Dea Lisk M.A., NTP
Energy and Nutritional Therapist
- Balanced Health and Wellness Support
- Mind/ Body/ Spirit and Emotional levels
- Educator ∞ Healer ∞ Nutritional Therapist ∞ Reiki Master Teacher
- Alchemical Healing Teacher
What is Energy Therapy?
Most health imbalances begin as dissonance in in our energy fields. Different layers of our energy fields, or auras, correspond to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being. Energy Therapy works on correcting imbalances that are happening in the body, mind, spirit and emotions.
Dissonance in the Energy Field can be the result of many things: stress, poor diet, trauma, grief, environmental toxins, negative thoughts and emotions, and all of the “energetic noise” that we interact with from other people as well as from all of our machines and devices. Part of our healing and staying well is maintaining a healthy vibrant energy field with accompanying positive outlook, balanced emotions, connection to Spirit, with a healthy body.
Energy Therapy Sessions
Each session is individualized for you based on what “The Matter” is for you. Expect to feel calm and relaxed as you are guided into a meditative state and experience that allows you to release patterns that have been blocking you. Often images of past lives or experiences come to the surface in a non-traumatic way to be released. You may experience connection to your Spiritual self or to Loving Spirit Guides assisting your whole self in shifting from limitation to healing.
Often sessions can include suggestions or ways to shift old beliefs or patterns. Every one of us is unique. Every healing session is unique. Dea works with you as a partner in your healing process. As a result, you not only heal, you develop your own connections and practices that connect you even more to Spirit.
Nutritional Therapy Sessions
The focus of nutritional therapy sessions is to identify nutritional imbalances that are causing ill health and to provide targeted dietary support and if needed targeted therapeutic dose supplements and interventions to correct deficiencies. Clients often include this as a core regimen in their healing and renewal processes (see Nutritional Therapy).
Energy Therapy - Office, Distance or Phone sessions:
- 1 1/2 hours $100.00
- 1 hour $75.00
Nutritional Therapy
- Initial consultation (includes individualized nutritional analysis): $125.00
- Subsequent sessions (1 hour 15 min.): $80.00
- Make a Payment in any Amount